The Science behind Retinol Cream: How it Works to Transform Your Skin - Blushu Cosmetics

The Science behind Retinol Cream: How it Works to Transform Your Skin

Retinol has become a staple in the skincare and beauty industry. From treating wrinkles and acne to being an effective ingredient in maintaining the youthfulness of the skin, Retinol has a solution to a plethora of skin problems.

The blog presents intricate details of retinol, its benefits, and how to use retinol in your skincare routine.

What is retinol?

Though the term retinol remains a catchall to describe all Vitamin-A derivatives, retinol is one of the several types of retinoid. There are several types and variations of retinol that produce an impact of varying intensities. From milder versions to prescriptive medicines, there is a broad range of retinol-based skin care products that solve myriads of problems on the skin. So, retinol is available for skincare use in both forms as over-the-counter solutions and in prescriptive forms. 

When retinol is applied to the skin topically, the enzymes present in the skin convert it into retinoic acid. This regenerates skin cells, stimulates collagen production, and promotes smoother skin while reducing dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Retinol also defends against blemishes so enables deeper penetration of skincare products into your skin. Retinoic acid is used in the prescriptive form and can be applied topically. It is quick because it is already in the converted form. Yet, harsher than the retinol found in serums and other skincare products. One can achieve similar outcomes by using retinol and prescriptive retinoids. The only difference being one must wait longer to achieve the desired outcomes while using retinol-based skincare products and creams.

A lot of times dermatologists and skincare experts recommend lower strength retinoids in the initial stages and then build up the strength over time and go until the capacity that the skin can tolerate.

What does retinol do for your skin?

As mentioned earlier, retinol benefits to the skin are immense and plentiful. The enzymes present in the skin convert the retinol into retinoic acid, which in turn stimulates the turnover of the outermost skin layer. This accelerates the generation of new skin cells which in turn enhances the smoothness of the skin and adds a fresh look. Retinoic acid also promotes the generation of hyaluronic acid and other chemicals, which keeps the skin moist and hydrated. Reduction in levels of collagen produces wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines on the skin. Retinol stimulates the production of collagen which in turn increases the blood flow to the skin adding a youthful look to the skin. Following are some of the key benefits of retinol.

  1. Retinol treats acne

If you are someone struggling with acne for quite some time and you are on the verge of giving up, retinol creams and treatment could serve as your last resort. This requires a basic understanding of how acne develops. When dead cells in the skin and oil combine inside the follicles on the skin of your face, acne builds up. Retinoids have the ability to treat clogged pores and unclog them enabling a deeper penetration of other skin care products that you were already using. Retinoids prevent dead cells from clogging the pores. Also, retinol decreases oil production in these cells. The faster cell turnover and a decrease in oil production would eventually reduce acne outbreaks at a major level.

  1. Anti-aging property of retinol

The human body produces collagen, a protein that is responsible for maintaining the youthfulness of the skin. With age and higher stress levels, collagen production in our body diminishes. This results in wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. Retinol enhances the blood flowing to the skin and also promotes the production of collagen. This adds to the thickness of the inner layer of the strength, keeps it tight, and so reduces the appearance of wrinkles. With continuous usage, retinol treats fine lines, and wrinkles and works to retain the youthfulness of the skin for longer periods.

  1. Retinol evens the skin tone

As mentioned earlier, one of the key benefits of using retinol is that it promotes cell turnover while shedding discolored cells on the skin. So, it produces an exfoliation effect. The increased production of collagen and elastin adds to the skin's thickness, smoothens its tone, reduces hyperpigmentation, and makes way for new, bright skin. Regular usage of retinol results in a look as fresh as a spa.

  1. Retinol for sun damage and dark spots

Dark spots happen due to the buildup of melanin pigment over time. The sun damage also results in dark spots and fine lines on the skin. Studies reveal that UV rays are alone responsible for more than 85% of aging signs right from wrinkles and dark spots to sagging skin and fine lines. Over-exposure of skin to sunlight results in damage from UV rays and sunburn. Retinol creams have the potential to overcome sun damage and get rid of dark spots. Sunlight has the power to make retinoids inactive. So, we always recommend that you use retinol products only as a part of your bedtime skincare routine. They shield the damage of the sun from collagen and elastin to keep the skin young and glowing all the while.

  1. Retinol is used in the treatment of skin conditions

Beyond being used in the skincare and beauty industry, prescriptive retinoids are used to treat skin conditions like melasma, which results in dark spots in the sun-exposed areas; Psoriasis where skin cells grow too fast and people experience inflammation; Stretch marks from pregnancy weight loss, muscle growth, and so on. Acne scars that build up due to inflammation and skin injury.

How to apply retinol?

While using retinol products can seem overawing in the initial stages, we have endeavored to simplify the steps for the most often asked question of how to apply retinol.

  1. Start with low-concentration creams

A lot of times, in motivation to achieve the best outcomes, people use highly concentrated retinol creams. Application of retinoid creams beyond the tolerance level of the skin results in skin inflammation and dryness. If you are not seeing any visible results even after using the retinol cream for 2 or 3 months, you may increase the concentration of the cream. But always keep a tab on the tolerance level of your skin. Most of the over-the-counter retinol products have retinol in the concentration of 0.25%, 0.3%, 0.5% and 1%. Always start with the lowest available concentration like 0.25% or 0.3% and then you may increase it gradually. If it is not yielding visible results, you may shift to using prescriptive retinoic acid products.

  1. Low and slow start is the best - Should you use retinol every night?

Some people also start using the cream every single night of the week. Excessive absorption of retinol into the skin beyond its tolerance level results in skin dryness and inflammation. So, never do that. In the beginning, use it twice a week or every three days a week. Once your skin gets used to retinol, make it every other day of the week and in due course, you can even make it every day.

  1. Always apply retinol creams at night.

Sunlight makes the retinoids inactive and so can make the skin highly sensitive to sunlight. So, always apply the retinol creams at night and ensure you enrich your skincare routine with serum, face wash, moisturizer, etc. Always apply sunscreen during the day.

  1. Use a pea-sized amount

A common mistake that people make while using skincare products is using too much of them. When using retinol creams, always use a pea-sized amount. That is more than sufficient to cover your entire face.

  1. Do you put on retinol before or after moisturizer? Can I mix retinol with moisturizer?

This is a commonly asked question when people start using retinol serum and creams. Some dermatologists recommend using the retinol after the moisturizing routine while there are some others who recommend inverse- moisturizing after the application of retinol creams. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to moisturize the skin before using retinoids. On the other when you apply retinol first and then the moisturizer, it helps treat dryness and inflammation that results from retinol application.

There is also a sandwich method to avail of the complete benefit of moisturization. So, here is what a skincare routine with the sandwich method looks like -

How to apply retinol?

  1. Wash your face with a cleanser.

  2. Use a toner to refresh your skin.

  3. Apply moisturizer, rub it across the skin, and let it sink into the skin.

  4. Rest it for 20 minutes. Apply retinol cream in a pea-sized amount.

  5. Apply another layer of moisturizer. This increases the tolerance of your skin.

If you are exploring how long until you see the results of retinol, it normally takes 2 to 3 months. So it is important to be patient.

  1. Never mix with other actives

Never ever mix retinol creams or serums with exfoliants, scrubs, or acids like AHA. This would increase the strength of retinol resulting in inflammation or irritation on the skin.

  1. Complement retinol creams with other skincare products

You may choose to complement your retinol cream with other serums or ingredients.

  1. Retinol + Salicylic acid

Treating your skin with retinol and salicylic acid balances the sebum production in your skin and removes dead cells. Always use both retinol and salicylic acid at night. Never combine them or choose to apply on the same day.

  1. Retinol + Vitamin C

To get the most out of your anti-aging treatment, apply a vitamin C serum in the morning and then use retinol as a part of your night routine. This would result in reduced pigmentation and brighter, smoother skin. If you are wondering if can you use vitamin C with retinol, it is a big yes!

If you are looking for the best Retinol cream, here is the Retinol Cream from Blushu Cosmetics that is best known to keep your skin young, smooth, and glowing all the time. This is best known for evening out the skin tone and reducing hyperpigmentation. The retinol cream from BlushU cosmetics carries no toxins or harsh chemicals and is tested and proven to be effective for all skin types.

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