10 remedies to Hair loss Problem - Blushu Cosmetics

10 remedies to Hair loss Problem

10 remedies to Hair loss Problem


     Hair loss is a common problem and it could be due to several underlying reasons. A normal scalp has around one lakh hair strands, and losing around 50 to 75 strands a day is absolutely normal. In case you think that you are losing more than that, it is time to pay attention and follow a hair care routine. 

What causes hair fall?

Hair fall could be due to any of the following reasons

  • Thyroid deficiency
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress and depression
  • Normal course of aging
  • Scalp itching
  • Air pollution
  • Insufficient
  • High temperature styling procedures
  • Using hair care products with toxic chemicals
  • Medication for an underlying condition.
  • Scalp psoriasis and infection
  • Frictional alopecia 

     Dandruff, grey hair, and dandruff has become a common problem and hair fall has become a persistent problem for more than 60% of the total population. The blog articulates some of the easy-peasy solutions and remedies to overcome hair loss problems.

How to treat hair loss problems?

1. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo

   Washing your hair regularly is the simplest possible hair loss problem solution. Use targeted shampoos. Choose a shampoo that has mild chemicals and is curated to treat hair loss problems. In case the hair loss is during an underlying medical condition, say dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. You may try Red onion hair care shampoo from BlushU to solve your hair loss problem.

2. Keep your stress levels low

     Stress is an important factor when it comes to hair fall. Studies evidence for the fact that stress not only leads to hair fall, but also results in premature graying. Taking care of your mental health and undertaking therapies to get through the stressful phase. If your work involves stress, take up yoga, meditation or other practices that can help you keep the stress levels under control.

3. Take a balanced diet

   Unhealthy eating habits may also result in hair fall. A lack of protein and vitamins may weaken the hair strands resulting in hair loss. Make changes to your diet and add essential nutrients. This is the best way to deal with hair loss. Include food varieties that are rich in iron, calcium, proteins, and vitamins-E, D, and C in your diet.

4. Take a hair massage

     A soft hair massage strengthens your hair strands and improves the blood circulation throughout. When you apply oil and massage all over your hair, the oil would also penetrate deep into your scalp and strengthen it. This would reduce hair fall and treat scalp infections.

5. Choose a hair oil that has essential oils

     When you scout for an oil that is suitable to your hair, choose one that is targeted to promote hair regrowth and reduce hair loss. Choose a brand and oil that is a blend of all essential oils - olive oil, coconut oil, rosemary, peppermint, tea tree oil and so on. The Red onion hair oil from BlushU is a perfect blend of almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and onion extracts. It is a perfect way to treat your hair fall and promote hair growth.

6. Never comb your wet hair

     A common mistake that people do after washing their hair is to comb the wet hair as such. This may save time but may weaken your hair strands. Always dry your hair before you comb, and also make sure that you use a comb with wide-teeth to detangle your hair.

7. Avoid high-temperature styling procedures

     An important reason for hair fall particularly among the young is the usage of toxic chemicals and exposing the hair to high temperature as a part of the styling procedures. Avoiding such procedures may help you get rid of hair fall.

8. Avoid smoking and drinking

     For many, alcoholic beverages are a common cause of hair loss. People who smoke experience a greater hair fall as such habits reduce the blood flowing to hair follicles and weaken them. So excessive hair loss must be taken with caution and the person must reduce or stop smoking and drinking.

9. Keep yourself well hydrated

     Water plays a key role in hair care routine. Always keep yourself properly hydrated. Poor hydration weakens your hair strand and reduces its strength. So, always drink at least 3-4 litres of water everyday.

10. Onion juice promotes hair regrowth

     Onion has become an essential ingredient in hair care routines. Blend onion and extract the juice. On a cautionary note, this may produce a strong smell and tears in your eyes. Dip a cotton ball in the juice and rub it against your scalp. Leave this for 25-20 minutes and then wash your hair. 

     Onion offers a plethora of benefits to your hair - enhances the blood flowing the hair follicles; the antibacterial properties protect your scalp from infection; Promotes hair growth and guarantees a thick, voluminous hair. If you find this hard, you may want to try the onion hair pack from BlushU that includes BlushU onion hair oil, BlushU onion hair serum, BlushU red onion shampoo, and BlushU onion hair oil conditioner.

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